Heat Pump Implementation Plan

As part of a statewide heat pump program for a consortium of New York investor-owned electric utilities, Concentric provided collaborative leadership and facilitation services to a group that included New York’s investor-owned utilities, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and New York Department of Public Service Staff.

Heat Pumps represent a vital and growing opportunity for electric utilities and their customers in the clean, dual heating and cooling of spaces and water. Recent technology advances have improved heat pump efficiency and capability—particularly in cold climates—enabling high performance, energy bill reductions, and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

Concentric support included working with the client team to draft and finalizing several program filings, including a detailed Implementation Plan and Program Manual.  The filings addressed a range of heat pump program design topics, including:

For More Information, Contact:

John D. Stewart
John D. Stewart
Senior Vice President
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Benjamin O. Davis
Benjamin O. Davis
Assistant Vice President
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