Concentric Energy Advisors
A Message to Our Clients and Friends From Our CEO • March, 2020
Concentric Energy Advisors
To Our Clients and Friends:

The Concentric family of companies is committed to providing you with the premier level of service you have come to expect from our firm, while safeguarding the health and well-being of our employees. As many of our clients and consulting colleagues have done, we have advised our employees to work from home, not travel unless necessary, practice social distancing, follow recommended health practices, and to maintain business as usual to the extent that is possible.  Our team has always shown an extraordinary ability to adapt to change, deliver top quality results no matter where they are, meet or exceed our client’s needs, and achieve a work-life balance that reflects important priorities.  I know that these skills will help us all to overcome the challenges of the corona virus pandemic.

Contact information for our senior staff is available here, or you may contact us at

Thank you for your understanding and know that we will be with you throughout these challenging times and in the years to come when we incorporate all that we have learned into our businesses and personal lives.

John J. Reed

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