Concentric Energy Advisors
The Concentric Connection • January, 2022
Concentric Energy Advisors
December Storms Ease Crippling Drought that Hindered Hydroelectric Output in 2021

A December storm that brought a deluge of rain and snow to the western U.S. coast rang out a year of intense drought that had hydroelectric project reservoir levels plummeting to alarming lows, illustrating the complex relationship between weather and energy output in all regions.

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Concentric Recognizes and Promotes Key Team Members

Concentric Energy Advisors is proud to announce several significant team member promotions:

John Stewart was promoted to Senior Vice President. Mr. Stewart is an expert on ratemaking, regulatory policies, utility mergers and acquisitions, and future of energy matters.

Ruben Moreno was promoted to Vice President. Mr. Moreno is a recognized expert in energy procurement and risk management.

Caroline O’Neill was promoted to Vice President. Ms. O’Neill offers a broad range of expertise, including regulatory policy formation and strategy, merger and acquisition due diligence, utility valuations, and asset-based transactions.

Gregg Therrien was promoted to Vice President. Mr. Therrien is an expert in regulatory strategy, cost of service, revenue requirements, and rate design and rate consolidation.

Benjamin Davis was promoted to Assistant Vice President. Mr. Davis focuses on renewable energy, energy efficiency programs, including for low- to moderate-income customers, heat pump programs, grid modernization, and innovative regulatory models.

Meredith Stone was promoted to Senior Project Manager. Ms. Stone offers extensive power market experience focusing on wholesale market design.

Ryan Kennedy was promoted to Senior Analyst. Mr. Kennedy is a member of the depreciation team and provides analytical and research support.

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