Summary of Experience
Danielle Powers has over twenty-nine years of experience in the wholesale and retail electricity markets, power generation, and energy consulting fields with considerable expertise in wholesale electric market operations and analysis, transmission system planning and operations, generation asset sales and acquisitions, asset valuation, wholesale and retail energy planning and procurement, and power plant operations. She has experience in executing both regulated and unregulated fossil and renewable generation asset sale transactions in the areas of regulatory analysis, policy development, due diligence analyses, energy market assessment, and business unit strategy. With her significant experience in preparing market assessments and forecasts, Ms. Powers has advised several clients on the procurement of competitive electricity in deregulated markets by developing strategic procurement strategies, preparing solicitation packages, evaluating supply and service proposals, and negotiating contracts with retail energy suppliers.
Ms. Powers has been extensively involved in the design, implementation, and operation of the ISO New England Forward Capacity Market as well as the operation of existing wholesale markets in the New England power region. Part of her role in this project was to manage the market design effort, which included designing several processes and procedures pertaining to resource qualification, capacity requirements, and market power mitigation and settlement. Ms. Powers drafted several sections of the Market Rules and presented the draft rules to market participants during approximately 20 meetings over a six-month period.
M.B.A., magna cum laude, Bentley College
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Massachusetts
Testified Before
Regulatory Commission of Alaska; Connecticut Siting Council; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; Illinois Commerce Commission; Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission; Massachusetts District Court; New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board; New York State Public Service Commission; United States Bankruptcy Court
An Updated Examination of FERC Order No. 1000 Projects PDF
Comments on Forward Clean Energy Market Design Proposal PDF
Building New Transmission: Experience to Date Does Not Support Expanding Solicitations PDF
Has the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (“PURPA”) Outlived Its Purpose? PDF
Integrated Resource Planning Today – Challenges and Opportunity PDF