Summary of Experience
Meredith C. Stone, Senior Project Manager, has experience providing analytical and research support on various wholesale market, regulatory and arbitration projects that often involve expert witness testimony. Ms. Stone has extensive experience in the North American power markets, with a focus in wholesale market design, analysis, and operations. Ms. Stone has provided analysis on the net Cost of New Entry in the ISO New England wholesale capacity markets, as well as the recalculation of Offer Review Trigger Prices. Ms. Stone also has experience in multiple elements of the regulatory ratemaking process, including incentive regulation, targeted infrastructure replacement plans, cash working capital/lead-lag studies, revenue requirement modeling, earnings sharing and marginal cost studies. She holds a Master of Public Policy from Brown University and a B.A. in Political Science from Middlebury College.
M.P.P., Brown University
B.A., Political Science, Middlebury College
Testified Before
Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; New York Public Service Commission
An Updated Examination of FERC Order No. 1000 Projects PDF
Comments on Forward Clean Energy Market Design Proposal PDF
Building New Transmission: Experience to Date Does Not Support Expanding Solicitations PDF