Where We Work
Hover over a state or province to see a list of representative projects from each location where we have worked.
Tariff rates, terms and conditions development; Cost of service and rate model development; renewable energy development partnership assistance; pipeline open season technical and advisory services
Cost of service; cost allocation; rate design; regulatory strategy
Cost of equity analysis and testimony, fair value rate of return analysis and testimony; deregulation advisory
Integrated resource planning advisory; rate case strategy; cost of service study and testimony; return on equity analysis and testimony; rate design and testimony
Litigation and arbitration support; return on equity analysis; risk management; cost allocation; natural gas market assessment; renewable energy project advisory
Independent evaluator services; return on equity analysis and testimony; renewable energy project cost assessment; market-based rate study
Cost of service study; cash working capital; return on equity analysis and testimony; wholesale electric market advisory; resource planning support; natural gas growth analysis and testimony; valuation; demand-side management and conservation study
Return on equity analysis; natural gas market assessment; resource planning support; generation asset divestiture financial advisory
Prudence and large capital project management reviews; cost recovery; return on equity analysis and testimony; performance benchmarking; regulatory advisory
Synergy savings report; asset optimization look-back analyses; return on equity analysis; cost of service studies
Arbitration support; accounting and rate support; rate analysis; regulatory policy; regulatory approval testimony for merger application
Cost of service study; return on equity analysis
Regulatory approval testimony for merger application; cost study related to merger approval; revenue requirements analysis and testimony; shared services analysis; performance benchmarking; cash working capital study; utility minimum filing requirements; return on equity analysis; management audit support
Fair value analysis and testimony; cost of service studies and testimony; analysis of the economics of light-emitting diode (LED) street lights to determine the cost/rate impact of switching to an LED configuration
Natural gas market assessment; power supply procurement process management; coal plant retirement options analysis and solicitation management advisory; rate design and tariff advisory; municipalization advisory; cost of service studies and testimony; rate design
Return on equity analysis and testimony; valuation; natural gas market assessment
Focused management audit; securitization; risk management
Appraisal; due diligence; cost of capital analysis and testimony; market power study
Retail market expert testimony; return on equity analysis and testimony; LNG export application advisory; power plant sale transaction management; natural gas market assessment; risk management; cost of service studies and testimony; regulatory policy; prudence testimony; resource planning support; litigation support
Cost of service study; rate design; return on equity analysis; natural gas market assessment; regulatory policy testimony
Valuation; appraisal; pipeline capacity support; rate design and testimony; cost of service studies and testimony; demand forecasting; lost and unaccounted for gas study; wholesale electric market technical and advisory services; retail procurement strategy; regulatory audit; regulatory approval testimony for merger application; gas growth strategy support
Regulatory approval testimony for merger application; wholesale and retail electric market advisory services; valuation; certificate of public convenience and necessity support; return on equity analysis and testimony; prudence testimony; power plant sale transaction management
Cost of service studies and testimony; rate design and testimony; resource planning support; hedging advisory; cost of capital analysis and testimony; energy contract analysis and testimony; regulatory approval testimony for merger application; prudence an project management reviews
Market-based rates; rate design and testimony; regulatory policy testimony; market power evaluation; cost of service; cost allocation; rate design; regulatory strategy
Shared services study; regulatory policy testimony; return on equity analysis; demand side management research and testimony; lead-lag study and testimony; cash working capital testimony; strategic advisory; cost of service; cost allocation; rate design; regulatory strategy
Return on equity analysis and testimony; valuation
Due diligence; return on equity analysis
New Hampshire
Valuation; appraisal; power plant divestiture design and planning; rate design and testimony; cost of service studies and testimony; coal plant scrubber testimony; risk management; return on equity analysis
New Jersey
Economic impact study; cost benefit analysis; rate design review; conservation program design; return on equity analysis; asset optimization look back analysis; power plant divestiture transaction management
New Mexico
Fairness opinion; valuation; performance benchmarking; return on equity analysis and testimony
New York
Return on equity analysis and testimony; rate design and testimony; cost of service studies and testimony; due diligence; Utility of the Future advisory; regulatory policy; natural gas market assessments; generation reliability support; energy procurement and contract advisory; retail energy advisory; litigation support
North Carolina
Return on equity analysis; cost of service study; cost allocation testimony
North Dakota
Cost allocation study; return on equity analysis and testimony; revenue requirements
Appraisal; feasibility study; generation reliability advisory
Cost of service studies and testimony; rate design and testimony; return on equity analysis and testimony; resource planning support; loan and financing advisory; energy procurement and contract advisory; lost and unaccounted for gas analysis
Gas supply function review; natural gas market assessment; resource planning support
Market power study; economic impact study; divestiture management and advisory; natural gas market assessment; appraisal; valuation; revenue requirement testimony; cost of service study and testimony
Rhode Island
Cost of service studies and testimony; return on equity analysis
South Carolina
Cost of capital
South Dakota
Return on equity analysis and testimony; revenue requirements testimony
Cash working capital/lead-lag study
Valuation; fairness opinion; market assessment; cost recovery; performance benchmarking; return on equity analysis and testimony; regulatory policy testimony; cost of service studies and testimony; loan and financing advisory; consolidated tax savings testimony
Market power study; regulatory policy testimony; litigation support; cost allocation/rate design; merger & acquisition; gas transportation rates; energy balancing account; electric service priorities; breach-related damages; cost of capital
Rate design and testimony; return on equity analysis and testimony; natural gas market assessment; benchmarking; feasibility study; litigation support
Cost of service studies; feasibility report; valuation; litigation support; annual information filing support; reserve margin assessment
Due diligence; resource planning support; capital investment planning support; natural gas market assessment
Natural gas market assessment; power supply procurement advisory; return on equity analysis and testimony; strategic advisory; prudence advisory
West Virginia
Cash working capital/lead-lag study
Return on equity analysis and testimony
Return on equity analysis and support; regulatory strategy; regulatory policy; litigation support; public interest advisory
Return on equity analysis and testimony
New Brunswick
Natural gas market assessment; renewable energy market assessment; strategic advisory; rate design and testimony; cost of service studies and testimony; cost allocation testimony
Nova Scotia
Natural gas market assessment; strategic advisory; hedging and procurement testimony; fuel adjustment mechanism testimony; return on equity analysis and testimony
Prince Edward Island
Cost of capital analysis and testimony
British Columbia
Regulatory approval testimony for merger application; return on equity analysis and testimony; gas supply incentive plan development; strategic advisory
Prudence and project management reviews; return on equity analysis and testimony; return on equity comparative study strategic advisory; demand side management comparative study; low income assistance comparative study; incentive regulation plan development; revenue requirements; securitization; natural gas market assessment
Earnings sharing mechanism testimony; incentive regulation plan development; arbitration support; return on equity analysis and testimony; regulatory advisory