Day One Merger Integration Preparedness

“The importance of a strong Integration Management Office, and effective and engaging communication with the buyer’s and seller’s workforces through well-organized, multi-functional teams with clear mandates and workplans cannot be underestimated.  The information and support gained from this process allow integration plans to evolve to meet the organization’s dynamic needs.”
— Lisa Quilici, Senior Vice President of Concentric, and Carrie O’Neill, Assistant Vice President of Concentric

Concentric recently supported the development and execution of Day One merger integration plans and ongoing integration activities in the merger of two electric companies. Our team was an integral part of the Integration Management Office, providing oversight, guidance, and direction to multi-functional integration teams and supporting the development of workplans to ensure Day One preparedness.

The multi-functional teams included generation, engineering, operations, supply chain, IT, HR, customer service, facilities, finance, regulatory, corporate communications, and real estate.  We participated in meetings with the integration and executive teams and provided specific corporate communications and regulatory support. We also provided regular progress reports to the executive teams.

For More Information, Contact:

Lisa M. Quilici
Lisa M. Quilici
Senior Vice President & Board Member
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