Utility Merger Integration Project Management

In 2020, a Northwestern U.S. investor-owned electric utility acquired a municipal electric utility in the same area. Prior to the closing of the transaction, Concentric worked closely with both companies as part of the merger integration Project Management Office team. Concentric supported the preparation of Day 1 integration plans and monitored their progress by facilitating discussion and agreement regarding issues pertaining to pre-closing activities leading up to Day 1. These plans included customer service, billing, distribution operations, maintenance, engineering, regulatory, finance, human resources, corporate communications, and more. Concentric supported the identification of Day 2+ integration needs and the development of crucial plans to be addressed for the end goal. Lastly, Concentric worked with the target company and the target company’s municipality to identify and manage asset separation and transition service issues.    

For More Information, Contact:

Lisa M. Quilici
Lisa M. Quilici
Senior Vice President & Board Member
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