Summary of Experience
Kelly Porter has over 15 years working with regulated rates and tariffs at both the state and federal level, with expertise in utility pricing and regulatory strategy. While at Concentric, she has contributed to projects involving cost allocation, rate design, revenue requirements, gas system planning, expert testimony preparation and regulatory research. She has assisted utility providers in developing proposals for time-of-use rates, renewable gas tariffs, economic development rates and low-income discount programs.
Prior to joining Concentric, Ms. Porter served as a Director for the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, with responsibility for managing the work of the commission in adjudicating cases involving the natural gas, electric, and water industries, and advising on regulatory policy. During her time at the commission, she has performed on a multitude of cases on the subjects of revenue requirements, allocated cost of service, rate design, decoupling, merger and acquisitions, power purchase agreements, and natural gas infrastructure programs and line extension policies. Ms. Porter holds a B.S. in Finance from Central Connecticut State University.
B.S., Finance, Central Connecticut State University