Mark Karl


Future of Energy:
DER and Electrification

Market Analysis and Resource Planning:
Demand forecasting, Demand response, Integrated Planning, Integrated resource planning, Market Services, Wholesale market design and rules

Rate design, Regulatory strategy

Mark Karl

Executive Advisor

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Summary of Experience

Mark G. Karl, PE (Ret.), has over 42 years of diverse engineering, regulatory, wholesale markets, finance, and strategic planning experience in the regulated and deregulated electricity sectors. 

Mr. Karl spent 23 years at ISO New England. For the past ten years, he served as Vice President of Market Development & Settlements, responsible for the design and development of the New England wholesale electricity markets. In that role, he oversaw the functions of Wholesale Market Design, Demand Resources Strategy, Market Settlements and Analysis, Market Operations Support Services, and the Chief Economist and his Economic Analysis Group.

In previous roles at ISO New England, Mr. Karl served as Senior Director of Resource Adequacy in the ISO’s System Planning Department, where he was responsible for the operation of the Forward Capacity Auction, the development of the load forecast and installed capacity requirements, and the auction qualification process. He also held the position of Director of Market Development and Integration, designing markets and representing the ISO in stakeholder, regulatory, and legislative processes.  

Before joining the ISO in 2000, Mr. Karl was at Duquesne Light Company in Pittsburgh for nearly 20 years. During his tenure there, he was a key figure in leading the company through Pennsylvania’s transition to competitive markets, interacting extensively with state regulators and holding various roles—including engineer at fossil and nuclear plants—and other positions in finance and strategic planning, as well as regulatory and economic analysis. 

After graduating from college in 1980, Mr. Karl’s first position was as a Systems Engineer/ Analyst at Rockwell Space Systems Division, working on the design and configuration management of the Digital Flight Control System for NASA’s space shuttle orbiters before transitioning to work on nuclear generation control systems. 


M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh – Katz School of Business, summa cum laude, 4.0 GPA 

B.S., Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering – University of Pittsburgh 

Registered Professional Engineer, ret, State of Pennsylvania 

Testified Before

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

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