Amanda Nori


Utility Regulation:
Depreciation Studies

Amanda Nori

Assistant Vice President

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Summary of Experience

Amanda Nori is a versatile, highly analytical, and dedicated Certified Depreciation Professional with over thirteen years of experience completing depreciation studies.

Ms. Nori’s areas of expertise include data processing, Iowa curve estimation, cost of removal, gross salvage estimation, statistical analysis depreciation expense analysis, testimony preparation, post filing services, business analysis, service life estimation, financial and actuarial analysis, simulated retirement analysis, and regulatory compliance. She routinely reviews and evaluates complex financial data to ensure regulatory compliance within jurisdictions throughout Canada, and has experience working with clients throughout the natural gas and electric utility, pipeline, transmission, and railway industries across North America. Most recently Ms. Nori has completed work on electric transmission cases for AltaLink, ATCO Electric Transmission, and Manitoba Hydro, along with natural gas transmission cases for Viking Pipelines.

Ms. Nori is a graduate of the University of Calgary, Alberta, and has been a member of the Society of Depreciation Professionals since 2010. Ms. Nori has completed the Public Utilities Management and Regulation Graduate Certificate through the University of Illinois at Springfield.


B.A., European History, University of Calgary, Alberta



Depreciation Considerations When Managing Potential Stranded Costs   PDF

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