Bickey Rimal


Financial Advisory:

Market Analysis and Resource Planning:
Demand forecasting, Distributed generation, Market assessments, Net metering, Wholesale market design and rules

Cost allocation, Cost of capital and return on equity, Cost of service studies (marginal and embedded), Incentive regulation, Performance benchmarking, Rate design, Regulatory policy, Regulatory strategy, Revenue requirements

Bickey Rimal

Vice President

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Summary of Experience

Bickey Rimal has over eight years of progressive experience in the energy and environmental sector. He joined Concentric in 2011 after completing his Masters in International Public Affairs with a focus on Energy Policy from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and has since contributed to projects involving cost of service, rate design, expert testimony preparation, energy market assessments, valuations of energy assets, and utility performance benchmarking. His work often involves financial modeling, statistical and econometrics analysis, and regulatory research. His modeling involves statistical software SPSS and R, and programming using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Mr. Rimal has been involved in projects dealing with all aspects of the regulatory ratemaking process. He has extensively used Concentric’s Excel-based, macro-driven Allocated Class Cost-of-Service (ACCOS) model for various clients, and has modified and updated the model as needed to suit the specific needs of clients.

Prior to enrolling in the graduate program, Mr. Rimal worked at ICF International. At ICF, he was extensively involved in projects dealing with policy design and implementation, cost-benefit analysis, economic impact analysis, regulatory evaluation, and environmental risk assessment.


M.A., International Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin

B.A., Chemistry, Colgate University


Testified Before

Arizona Corporation Commission; Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority; Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission; Maine Public Utilities Commission; Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities; New York State Department of Public Service


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