Gregg Therrien


Market Analysis and Resource Planning:
Demand forecasting, Integrated resource planning

Cost allocation, Cost of service studies (marginal and embedded), Incentive regulation, Prudence and project management reviews, Rate design, Regulatory policy, Regulatory strategy, Revenue requirements

Gregg Therrien

Vice President

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Summary of Experience

Gregg Therrien provides regulatory strategy and financial rate case expertise to regulated and unregulated entities in the natural gas, electric, and water industries. He has performed a multitude of consulting engagements including expert testimony on the subjects of allocated cost of service, rate design, rate consolidation, alternative rate plans, decoupling, revenue requirements, and natural gas infrastructure replacement programs.  Other engagements include merger and acquisition due diligence, electric power plant retirement analysis (including securitization), billing system and rate mechanism audits, natural gas storage rate analysis, solar/renewable project evaluation, line extension policies, power procurement advisory services and tariff writing and administration.

Mr. Therrien holds an M.B.A. from the University of Connecticut, a B.S. in Finance from Bryant University, and is certified Project Management Professional (PMP).


MBA, Concentration in Finance, University of Connecticut

B.S., Finance, Bryant University

Testified Before

Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority; Georgia Public Service Commission; Illinois Commerce Commission; Maine Public Utilities Commission; Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities; New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission



Retail Competition in Electricity: What Have We Learned in 20 Years?   PDF

Impact of U.S. Federal Tax Reform on Regulated Utilities   PDF

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